Why we should not cut nails at night| Science behind the myth, What happen if we cut nail at night,is it brings unluck for us

Our mother always tells us not to cut nails at night,Why does she say this, what will happen we cut nails at night,Do it has some ill effect on health or is it brings unluck. Who tells them these things,These questions will always come to your mind. If we ask our parents, they always postpone it by saying that it is a tradition from the ancestors.

There is a special mention in the Indian sculpture that we should not cut nails at night. Medical texts like Charaka Sahita mention this in particular.Due to lack of communication system, it was a very difficult task to convey this matter to the rest of the society.For this, sage sages and sage sages used things like magic measures, superstition, and many more.The main purpose of doing all these things was only and only for the good of the people.
One of the most famous story i heard from my grandfather was of two best friend . So the story is something like this. Rajesh and Jatin were best friends, Jatin was a child who studied in such a way that he forget to do daily activity like bathing,cutting nails,comb hair etc. He was very arrogant child and don't listen to his elder. He always tried to make others look down.On the other hand, Rajesh may not have been intelligent in studies, but he was an obedient child.He respected the elders and had their heart. Jatin always used to tell Rajesh scientific things, Rajesh used to listen to him very carefully.But whenever Rajesh tried to tell something, Jatin always interrupted him.Once Rajesh was telling him that his grandfather refuses to cut his nails at night. They say that doing so is inauspicious.But where was jatin gonna listen, he challenged him that he is going to cut his nail same night.
When the two friends met the other day, Jatin was crying. He told Rajesh that your grandfather is right.I have something wrong with me, my finger got  cut.

Is Rajesh's grandfather really right?

Science Behind it 

Now coming to the actual part, As mentioned previous it is written in "Charak sahita" It is the book written by charak Rishi an ancient saint who is also regarded as the first surgen to transplant retina and he was mastered in open heart surgery , isn't it amaging  at that time when their was no medical equipment how can a person do surgery. ok fine, why I am telling you all about this , this is just to show that they were indeed intelligent or where much more intelligent than the present humans. His written book is till now used in many wide courses while doing M.B.B.S, which is student doing medical practices. He was scientific, but the way he chose to spread his knowledge was not so good. 

Now coming to actual science, Finger Nail or toe Nail are made up of protective layer Keratin, which are also found in the shell of vertebrata  as well as horn of the mammals. It becomes rigid at the Night or if we not apply water for the long time. We have most common habit of bathing at morning, so at morning only it get sufficient amount of water.

What can we do to cut nails at night

If you too are stubborn like Jatin, then soak your nails at night for 10 to 15 minutes.When your nails become soft, cut it easily, it will not change the shape of the nail and you will cut your nail beautifully.

You can also give suggestion on any other measure taken for cutting nail at night. please write down in comment


  1. Wasn't it bcoz there were not good light sources in the ancient time.... So it was risky to cut nails at night.... As the persons might hurt him/herself ??? πŸ€”

    1. Yes, that can also be a good reason. Thanks for Your suggestion.

  2. Apart from the fact that there was lack of artificial light at night during that time, I also thought the justification for that could be Black Magic, because they believed nails, hair, or something connected to the person's body could be used against them. I just don't this superstition is relevant anymore. ://

    1. A very good observation sreya chary. Your comment will be always valuable for writing my next blog.

  3. y my nails feels not that hard to cut in morning or night it feels the more importantly they say cut nails before bathing not after.

  4. Thank you U saved another JatinπŸ˜‚

    1. It was funny bro πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  5. Isn’t it related to calcium? What I’ve heard about it is that the calcium stored in nails comes up to the top of the nails at nights

    1. Yes, i probably think so, the blog written is almost 4 year old, and need more in-depth research.

      Thank you for your valuable comment πŸ˜ƒ


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