Seven Wonders of the ancient world

This world contain lots of wonder,some are noticed by human world and many are yet unknown.
Some are naturally created and some  are man-made; but wonder is wonder no matter how it is created where it is, and to whom it belong to.Here are the seven wonder  which are classified as per ancient data.These all data are been written by greek archaeologist.

  1. The Great Pyramid of Giza ,Egypt, is the oldest Seven Wonder to be survive. It was made as a tomb for King  Khufu, who ruled Egypt from about 2551 to 2528 BC.
  2. The Hanging Garden of Babylon was the garden of King Nebuchadnezzar II . It was believed to be created in about 600 BC in Babylon,88 Km away from Baghdad, Iraq.
  3. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was an enormous statue of the Greek God,carved by the sculptor Phidias.It was built in 466-456 BC.
  4. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Turkey, was built to honour the Greek goddess of hunting and nature. The temple was completed in 556 BC.
  5. The Mausoleum is the tomb of persian ruler Mausolus, who ruled part of the Persian empire from 377 to 353 BC . IT was built in Halicarnassus present day Bodrum in Turkey. 
  6. The Colossus of Rhodes is the huge statues of sun god Helios stood in Rhodes harbour, Grecce.It took twelve year to built and stood 33m high, but in 226 BC it was destroyed by an earthquake.
  7. The Pharous of Alexandria was a lighthouse off the coast of the city of Alexandria. it is the Tallest light House ever made and its hight was 124 m but it was toppled into the sea in 1375.


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