Toilet fact and invention of Toilet Paper

  • In the middle Ages people used chamber pots which they emptied out of the window. In castles there would be a garderobe -a small cupboard with a hole that allowed waste out into the moat.
  • throwing waste outside lead to the spread of disease. The worst epidermic was the Black Death during the 14th century , which killed about a quarter of the people in Europe.
  • During the 16th and 17th centuries it was good manners for a gentleman to walk closest to the street when escorting a lady. This meant that he was more likely to be in the path of sewage as it was thrown into the street!
  •  In London a gigantic cesspit was built under 200,000 houses and it often overflowed into them. Cesspits in London were abolished in 1847 and every home had a lavatory. However, sewage was still diverted into the River Thames, which resulted in the "Great Stink" in the summer of 1858 - the worst smell in the city history.
  • Europe's major cities and the biggest cities in the USA started building sewers in the 19th century. Many of These early systems are still in use today."Sewer tours" are popular in Paris, France, and in Brighton, UK . The system are such amazing works of engineering that people travel to these cities just to visit them.
  • Today, Japan creates the world most advanced toilets. Known as "Washlets", they have control panel water jets, drives, heated seats and even telephones. More improvements are being developed, including voice-activated toilets and some that can do medical tests.

Toilet paper

  • Before the invention of toilet paper, people improvised with many different things. The rich used wool or lace, but the poor  used anything they could find, including wood shavings, grass,sand,corn cobs,moss,seashells,water or snow, as well as their hands. Later people began to use newspapers or telephone directories as toilet paper.
  • Chinese emperors use toilet paper in the 14th century, but the first commercial toilet paper was produced in 1857 y Joseph Gayetty, an American businessman, Gayetty's paper was sold individual sheets with his name on them.
  • Every person in UK spends an average of $25.93 on the toilet paper every year . compared with the average American's $19.46. the world average is $3.41.


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