Environmental Impact Assessment :To reduce the harmful effect of uncontrolled development , what is the role of government in EIA

Development and Environment are links to each other and all the development process affect the ecological balance in some other ways. Industrialization and mining have a very harmful impact on our environment. It is, therefore, necessary to have an assessment of the possible effect of any development plan before it actually starts affecting our environment. The Ministry of Environment and Forest along with the Government of that country has been assigned the responsibility for appraisal of the project concerning their member of all these three department form a committee to look after the environmental effect. This process of the working Committee is called environmental impact assessments or EIA.

History of EIA

The first comprehensive environmental legislation occurred in the USA in the form of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 1st January 1970 which contain three main section
(i)    Declaration of national policy
(ii)  Specification for preparation of EIS
(iii) Institutionalisation of EIA
  • In Canada, the Environmental Assesment and Review process started in 1973.
  • In India, the central Ministry of Environment and forest issue a notification in 29th January 1994.
  • Today EIA process has been adopted in many industrialised countries including India, Philipines, Thailand and in some African countries. 

Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)It is a public document written in a formal specified by authorized national, state or local agency.
Environmental Inventory: It is a description of the environment in a particular area where the proposed action is going to be considered.

EIA is basically classified in three-part based on Impact assessment 

IA - I  
  • river valley
  • hydropower
  • irrigation
  • deal with Industrial project
  • Thermal power
  • Mining project
  • Human settlement
  • Port & harbour
  • Projects in an Ecologically fragile area
  • Tourism
Goal of EIA
  1. Resource Conservation
  2. Waste management/minimization
  3. Recovery of By product
  4. Efficient equipment
Methodology of EIA
  1.  Organising the Job
  2. Performing the assessment
  3. preparation of EIS
  4. Review of EIS
1.Organising the job

  • Identify the plane or project
  • The interdisciplinary committee is formed.
  • A form(document) is prepared after analysis.
  • Document revel about
                      1.The Sponsor
                      2. Time duration
                      3. Participant in project
                      4. estimated the cost
2. Performing the assessment

  • Site visit by interdisciplinary committee to determine the possible environmental impact.
  • The harmful or the useful impact on the environment is evaluated
  • Discussion session measure to control the harmful environmental defect is discussed.
3. Preparation of EIS(Environmental Impact Statement)
  •  It is the conclusion made by the assessment committee or it can be said as a report of an interdisciplinary committee.
  • It gives the description of the whole project that is-
                1. Environmental effect on air water soil and ecosystem.
                2. Unavoidable adverse effect.
                3. Alternative methods to minimize the adverse effect.
                4. The measure that can be taken in the present method to minimize adverse effect.
                5. Modification in the proposed project.
                6. Submit its report to expert, then this report is made available for a proper time interval to the different public competent authority for their suggestion.                  

    4. Review of EIS

    After public inspection and publicity to press, a discussion session is made between public and government authorities and then a final review is made in the form of a report, on the basis of these reviews a project can be approved on

    • approved with modifications
    • approved
    • rejected

    Design of  EIA

    there are several approaches for EIA. It is always useful to study EIS that has been prepared. Similar development or project. some of the important aspects should be considered:

    1. Project Design and Construction
    • Type of project under consideration.
    • Physical dimensions of the area being considered.
    • whether there will be significant environmental destruction during construction.
    • whether the resource available will be used optimally or not.
    • whether the project is a detracting phase of a larger development.
    • what are the long term plans of the project?
    2. Project Operation
    • How will be the hazardous waste product be handled?
    • what provision has been made for training the employees for environmental protection?
    • what are the convenience plains developed to cope up with possible accidents?
    • what plan has been made for environmental monitoring?
    • what provision has been made to check safety equipment regularly?
    3. Site characterisation
    • whether the mountain is creating problem in predicting the groundwater characteristic, air pollution etc.
    • whether the site is susceptible to floods, earthquakes or other natural disasters.
    • How many people are likely to be displaced because of the project.
    • whether the local environment is conducive for the success of the project.
    • whether the project will interfere with the aquatic population and important migratory animals.
    • what are the possible short term and long term impacts, for a particular project during and after construction?
    • who would be affected because of these impact 

      4. Socioeconomic factor 
      • who are the expected gainers and losers by the project.
      • where are the expected trade-off?
      • will the project interfere with the existing inequalities between occupational age, sex or group?
      • will it affect the pattern of local, regional and national culture?
      5. Socio-Political Factors
      • what will be the difficulties in the implementation of the construction and operation phase of the project.
      • what are the relevant government regulation and procedure?
      6. Availability of Information and Resources
      •  Whether local and outside expert are available to consult regarding the specific impact of the project.
      • Whether the relevant guidelines, technical information, and other publications are available to identify and deal with the possible impacts of similar projects.
      • Whether relevant environmental data are identified and accessible or not.
      • Whether the source of relevant environmental data are identified and accessible or not.
      • Whether the views of specialists groups and the general public regarding the project and project been considered or not.
      • Whether the competent technical man-power is available to handle the project and possible impacts. 


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