Classes in India are going to restart after a long break | Guidelines for opening the Educational institution | Guidelines for student to attend classes | Is attendance compulsory

 After a long break of classes in Education institute in India. Ministry of Education has decided to reopen the class. But wait, they have already provided guidelines for opening an Educational institute.

classes in India are going to restart

Image by AkshayaPatra Foundation from Pixabay

After a long vacation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many institutes and states have reported an increase in the depression rates among students. Many cases of anxiety disorder were also reported. From a student perspective, it is very hard for them to give education and co-curricular a proper balance. And maintaining not so make them highly destructive to their mind.

To compensate for the offline classes government and institution already worked on Online classes and Hopefully, it is working fine. For a college student, it can be easier but not the same for the school going, student. But as a college student, I must say it is the same for both of us.

Timing of online classes are fluctuating, no proper connection with teachers and classmate make the learning uneasy.  For a college student, where he was going to learn most of the things through the classmate is not going to happen sitting at the home. 

Indian society has never seen this much loneliness before Covid-19 and students were always motivated to work in the group. It is good for productivity but this condition does not favor. 

So It was the demand of many parents to reopen the classes for the betterment of students. So the main question arises if the institute is going to open then who will be the first to go to the classes - The Younger children or the Older ones?

So avoiding the conflict Ministry of Education has left the whole decision to the State government. Mostly it is predictable that the older ones will be called first as they have the understanding and can maintain the social distancing and follow the rules. However, if states decide to bring the youngest student back first, then the Education Ministry will not interfere with them. From September, the Home Ministry has already permitted the student of classes 9th to 12th to meet their teachers in school if required. 

We have talked all among the perspective of government and school. But what about the student what Guidelines they have to follow?  Is attendance compulsory?

So first thing first attendance is not compulsory it is up to the hand of parents whether they want their child to attend the classes or not. Interestingly, many of you may amazed and might be thinking to attend the class when there is no class test; Hey we all are the same dear. 

Attendance will not be taken daily instead it will be on alternate days or every two days. If student not attending class will be asked to self study the chapter.

 While if you are attending the classes then the mask is Compulsory and without it, you will not be allowed to enter school premises also Students should strictly follow hand hygiene and social distancing in the classroom.

Sharing of notes, tiffin, and toys are strictly prohibited. Parents are encouraged to use their personal transport to drop their wards to school. There is very little chance to reopen the school buses.

 But what if all student wants to come to school? It will create a crowd in the school and hard for the school administration to handle the social distancing. The government has suggested that they can conduct the classes in various shifts to avoid the crowd and uneven rushes.

The major question is what about the Examination and assessment?

According to the provided guideline, the institute cannot conduct the exam or test for the first two to three weeks. It will give sufficient time to the student to prepare and will avoid the burden on the student.

The pen-and-paper formate for conducting the exam or assessment will be discouraged across all grades to ensure the emotional well-being of students. It is also avoided as we all know viruses can retain in the paper surface for a long duration and especially in cold. 

assessment can be provided in the form of role-playing, video making, puzzle, and game. It can also be ppt presentation or portfolio design etc.

So this is some of the information available if new guidelines come I will definitely inform you so don't forget to subscribe to this blog it is free of cost. 

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